My Story

  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer - Romans 12:12 ESV.

So far, 2024 has been one of  the most heartbreaking, overwhelming and confusing years of my life. On the other hand, It has also been filled with new memories, joy that exceeds my own understanding, beautiful friendships and fresh beginnings.

It seems like an odd time to start a new adventure, especially when I’ve started and given up on this process many times before. Even more so when you realise new chapters can only begin when another ends.

It has been hard to let go, move on and endure, yet my faith has grown and developed this year like never before. I have seen God’s goodness and mercy on my life and he has given me a hope like no other.

My pain and heartbreak this year is still raw (and there’s still 6 months to go!), but this pain doesn't negate my faith. Even the Bible says that despite Jesus knowing Lazarus would come back to life, he still wept for his friend (John 11).

Every print created is a reminder for me and an acknowledgement of all God has brought me through. 

So whether you share my faith or not, my hope is that any work from Prints of Peace authentically expresses this joy I have, brightens some of your blank walls, and documents my growth as a human, a visual artist and in faith!

I guess, this is the start of my art journey !

Like many other people, ‘arts and crafts’ were regularly explored from a very early age. Providing much entertainment for rainy weekends.

It’s safe to say, my parent’s fridge was tastefully adorned with mini drawings of cars [pictured above], pasta portraits and many, many questionable doodles.

I moved to Falmouth to study photography. As much as I loved it I felt something was missing. I loved photographing but struggled to connect with the stories and photographs I was producing

I grew up watching my mum her alter dresses for herself and sew together my outfits for costume parties and presents

From princess dresses to my obsession with Dot Man’s cape from the Tweenies, my mum created things to be shared, and taught me to do the same. [Above is a gift I sewed for my sister in 2013]

During uni, Covid-19 ended any upcoming opportunities I had lined up. From projects, to rips and internships. all gone over night. I even lost access to digital equipment as we could no longer borrow cameras from the Uni, due to the risk of spreading infection.

I had to figure out how to complete a photography degree without a camera, photography wasn’t always digital, right?

My dad always had a camera handy. On holidays he would snap and record landscapes, architecture and us. In hindsight it makes sense that I chose to study photography because its always played a role in my life.

After weeks of research and experimenting, I started making pinhole cameras, eco printing and using methods of image making that are noted as the origins of photography.

I found a few methods that I really invested in and by the Grace of God found my missing passion and connection to the work I was making, a project to submit for my final year [pictured above] and a desire to continue image making for as long as possible.

The History of my Visual Artistry

What Now?

If you’ve made it through both my story and journey into becoming a visual artist, congrats!

Scroll down to view what I am currently working on and some fun projects I’ve had the privilege of being involved in over the past few years.

Publication, Exhibitions and Projects

Re- Birth Exhibition - Coming Soon

Dugdale Community Art Exhibition


Florence Contemporary Art Gallery



MNHP Grad Show & Exhibition



Magazine - Issue 12

Nowadays Exhibition - Issue 8